This church is really amazing!! It is easy to see why in 2011 it was listed as the 32nd. fastest-growing churches in America. I have been attending for 3 years now after searching both East, West Valley and Scottsdale for a Sprit Full Church, with great leadership. Pastor Linn Winters inspired teachings are Bible based and true to scripture and presented in a very interesting way always using props and examples. (no one is going to fall asleep) He truly is a gifted man that is lead by the Holy Sprit. The music ministry is the best around. (you think you are listening to KLOVE Radio) The greeters and the church body are very friendly, great family atmosphere. It is a Mega non-denominational and evangelical church. You will feel comfortable calling it your church home!! If you know God or want to get to know Him, this is the place for you.