Place that does the job. It used to be called Colossus for good reason, given the size and design. I remember when this type of theatre was being built and even in my teens I remember thinking the oversized, campy spaceship design would be something they would regret down the road. You can see they're trying to redesign it as much as they can, but there's only so much they can do.
At the end of the day, it's about seeing a movie and there's no issue there and you're going to get all your options: regular, AVX, DBox, Imax, etc... Personally, I'm usually for a regular screen and avoiding paying much more than $10 whenever possible - but there are options for everyone. I'll admit that it's nice being able to purchase a ticket and a seat from home in advance for DBox if I feel there's a risk of it selling out, though it comes with a price of course.