Good prices and rapid delivery when your order flows neatly into and out of their system. But if there is an issue, you can wind up in in all sorts of aggravating loops that will truly raise your blood pressure. In my case, when it came time to renew my prescription, I went back and forth and back and forth trying to get my doctor's renewal to them. The service kept telling me to to call the doctor to get him to fax my renewal. The Doctor's office did just that, but Right source said it was the wrong kind of fax....and on and on and on. Hours on the phone, running back and forth to the doctors, still no prescription. HMO hell! Finally I unleashed a phone tirade to Curly; the customer service rep....( Larry and Moe weren't available.)"Both the prescription service and the doctor's office say "Humana" ...Why can't I get my order?