Upper Cervical Care & Dr. Kyle Collins are a one stop to heal whatever ails you. If you are in pain, have a disease like cancer or alzheimers etc. This place can fix you right up... I went to Upper cervical because every other doctors I had been to had no idea how to heal me without using drugs which I did not want drugs since drugs are only a quick fix and do not heal.. so after reaching online I found Upper Cervical. They do not treat the symptom, for instance cancer is a symptom of something bigger, they treat the actual illness to help your body heal itself. So they make adjustments in your Body, so you body can communicate with itself in order to heal itself - as our bodies are wonderfully made and have the ability to Heal themselves of anything even Cancer.. So, Dr, Collins goal is not to prescribe drugs and tests for you but rather cure you of what ever ails you. He is able to painlessly adjust your Body in a way so your body can Heal itself - it is actually amazing and everyone should go even children and seniors. As there is no way Upper Cervical can not help you....