On Saturday Nov 28th 2015 I had my water softener break and called a plumbing company they said I needed a new water softener and new water heater flush out the entire plumbing and pipes the quoted me total repairs $4365 to fix and repair everything that was 8am I decided to call Mary and Michele they usually service my water softener and reverse osmosis so they came out at 130pm and after they took a look at everything I did not need all the repairs that the plumbing company said I needed. They went with me to. Home Depot baught a new water softener flushed all the faucets and the water heater there total service fee was $175. Plus $450 for a new softener total spent was $625 much better than $4365 from the crooks of a plumbing company. I would refer Mary and Michelle to everyone they are fair honest and just wonderful they are true great people and trust worthy GREAT Job Mary and Michelle thank you so much.