Started at the drive-thru last evening and when the line hadn't moved in over 5 minutes I parked and went inside to order. Two people ahead of me at the "Takhomasak". The girl at the register was clueless at how to change a $100 bill. Manager (at least I think he was the manager) was trying to walk her through how to open the safe (while flipping burgers - sorry, STEAK burgers). Anyway, now we all know the safe is located under the register. He was barking orders at her on which key opened the safe - "It's the PURPLE one!" When she finally took care of the two people ahead of me, I tried to give her my take out order when a gentleman who had been sitting quietly at the counter finally said to her "I was here before any of these people and you have completely ignored me." She didn't apologize, just asked him what he wanted. After he placed his order I asked her how long she thought it would take for MY order because I was now approaching 20 minutes of my life I will never get back, She said "Honestly, you'd probably do better if you went through the drive thru." I left. Never EVER to return. This was not my first disappointment at Steak and Shake. I'm like a battered woman - I keep thinking the next time it will be different. It's not.