I always thought it odd when people would rate a McDonald's. I mean, let's face it, it's McDonald's. But here I am writing a review about this one. I went in for breakfast yesterday. I saw that they had the new ordering kiosks. I've always wanted to try one since it would be less likely that my order would get screwed up and I like poking those Fight For 15 folks in the eye. So I go through the process of placing my order when the last page pops up. About 0.75 seconds into the time I'm trying to read it an arm pops into view and hits the End or Finish button (or whatever it was). It was the manager trying to be "helpful." He then spews out some gibberish quickly saying, what I assume, should happen next. Well I tell him in no uncertain terms that I wasn't finished reading the last page, I didn't need his help, he spoke too quickly to be understood and that the kiosks are there so I don't have to interact with the counter folks. He sputtered an apology and scooted off to bother other customers. I got my food. As usual the McDonald's coffee was far superior to that swill served at Starbucks. The food was the usual McDonald's fare.
The other reason, other than the really annoying manager, that this store gets one star is that it's a haven for dirty homeless bums. I didn't feel safe.