| - Everyone handles the Calgary Stampede differently. I'm reviewing the Calgary Stampede based on the following criteria: I was born and raised in Calgary. I do not go to bars or nightclubs in my past-time so I don't care for the alcoholism encouraged at the grounds. I enjoy festivals such as Folk Fest and attending art galleries, art openings... hanging out in bookstores, that sort of thing; I like the Artist Ranch Project within the Western Showcase in the BMO Center. I like good food and I like to make my own food... I like to grow my own food and I also like gardening. I've spent 20 years of my life on an acreage. That's me, and this review is based on my thoughts.
I understand the importance of knowing where your food comes from, and I've read books/watched many documentaries about food vs. corporate control. Despite the agriculture tents being at the Stampede, where attendees are supposed to go to "educate themselves" about Alberta's food industries... nobody seems to be talking about important contemporary issues such as genetically modified Canola, or the true condition industry animals (laying hens, dairy cows, meat animals, etc) are kept in.
There should be a farmer's market at the Calgary Stampede, not a tent full of logos and displays sponsored by the major corporations which control the agriculture industry.
There should be a bigger focus on organic (like free range, grass-fed, etc) and eating local in my opinion. Problem is... there aren't a whole lot of farmers left in Alberta; most of the young generation has packed up and left to work on the oil rigs or in corporate Downtown Calgary. Our city is changing but the Stampede is stagnating.
I don't like that the Calgary Stampede portrays a sort of "idyllic Western life" to out of town visitors. I'm more of a realist, so... propaganda and I do not get along.
As for "the rest of it"... once you've seen one grandstand show, you've seen them all. Same with the rodeo stuff (I'm not a supporter of the Rodeo and "all that" quite frankly).
Many people I talk to (even those who, dare I say, are more conservative than I) are feeling that the Stampede is not worth their time anymore. It's too expensive, monotonous and full of skeezy teenagers who are wearing practically illegal clothing items.
As a teenager, I used to attend the midway religiously just to go on the rides all day but as an adult, I feel that Stampede is a big facade. Perhaps some may read my review and call me bitter but I wish that the Calgary Stampede would grow up, just like I did. I'm more disappointed with it than anything.
Update: I attended this year to see the Western Art Showcase and also to sample the deep-fries Oreos (as per a friend's suggestion; I would give Western Showcase 3 or 4 stars based on reviewing that venue alone). Needless to say, the moment the Oreos hit my stomach, I was not feeling well. I won't be doing that again. Also, I went during the evening on a Friday night (8 pm - close) and the sheer amount of skeeziness put on display by teenagers was overwhelmingly depressing. It was certainly not a good time (or place) for children to be around. I left Stampede feeling very disheartened.
I also had a difficult time finding parking, so I must criticize the Stampede venue for not building a huge parkade. They rake in so much money year after year, and they get government funding (tax payers dollars, believe it or not), but can't build a parkade? Give me a break. I'd like to see exactly where their (our) money goes thank you very much. I attempted to park in a private lot just across the street from a Stampede lot ($20) and the owner of the private lot took down his $20 sign and attempted to charge me $40 because "he had just one spot left". This sort of scamming should not be allowed to happen during Stampede or anytime of the year. Shameful!