BEWARE! Before going to these doctors MAKE them give you an estimated cost for their in-house stress test and tell them that is what you will be paying and not a cent more! Their in-house stress tests are $4,000+. It is a shocker after your have paid your deductible and your insurance company has paid their portion only to find out you STILL owe another $350! I purposely did not pay the bill until I had to. I attempted to negotiate it down but they do not negotiate. Money or collections. I then asked the supervisor to remove me as a patient and she didn't care. I then told her this is why the Democrats want Universal Health-care! The doctors have driven up their costs to crazy rates because the insurance company's are fed up with them charging so much. Then to top things off, the doctors spend all of 5 minutes with you, talk too fast and never discuss the cost of any of their procedures or tests. They leave that difficult task for their underpaid staff to deal with the patients. What a life!
Find another group and ask lots of questions upfront. That was my mistake!