I have tried to like this place. I have tried to agree with the copious amount of positive reviews and friends that want to drag me here. But I cannot tolerate it anymore.
The food is just awful. Not just a little bit bad. Not just a let down. But really freaking bad. I can't understand why this place has so much traction. (Yes Bacon wrapped dates are good, but I can make that taste good as well. It's not freaking hard. It is BACON)
I have always subsribed to the.........Sangria and alchohol make food better.....theory on this place.
But you can't even get a decent drink here anymore. I literally drank 2 pitchers of mojitos at this place, and nary a light hearted moment. I tried get the waitress to put a little alchohol in the mojito, and each time she gave me the obligatory "we make em so good you don't taste it" line. I'm calling BS. I paid a premium penny for a sugary syrup and some mint leaves.
I'm going to be jerk here. All you people that give this place a positive review don't know your @#$ from a hole in the ground.
And for the record, I have no vested interest here. This place just sucks and I can't stand hearing people rave about it anymore.