My sister, her BF, and I came here for lunch. We went to the diner area, and there was one male server and another table with only two people who were practically finished eating.
I got the hamburger and it was from a frozen patty and possibly the WORST hamburger I ever had. The coleslaw was also TERRIBLE. My sister got three pieces of chicken fingers with her fries (the paprika on the fries makes them worthwhile). Her BF got the chili cheese fries which he found to be promising as well. I believe the fries are the only thing worth any time here.
The server was HORRID. He ended up not filling up my water, not asking how the food was, and crippling around like a sloth. He watched TV, I had to wave him down about six times, and even got up once to get him. Lazy? Probably. Doesn't care? Most likely? Handicapped? Doubt it.