| - One of the main stops on our UK trip was the fact that we wanted to see Hadrian's wall up close. Tons of movies and history books reference it, so why not? Seems pretty cool!
Once we plugged in the GPS coordinates, we were on our way to what seems like the middle of nowhere. Of course, I blame most of our time wasted driving on the GPS. Instead of TomTom, we called it BitchBitch. It couldn't recalculate itself out of a wet paper bag. But I digress.
You would think this "wall" would be everywhere considering its importance and history. I assume over the years though, that local farmers built their property fences from pieces of the wall as we noticed many fine rock fences along the way, yet, none were Hadrian's wall.
We finally found the Birdoswald Roman Fort location and were excited as we trekked up the hill to the first piece of Hadrian's wall nestled next to the Roman Fort. The Fort by the a recreation. Something I'll go on about in a minute.
The area is tranquil, vast, and the weather was brilliant. You could climb to the top of what is the remaining wall and walk for what seemed 100's of yard. It's tricky due to the fact that this folks, is a ruin of Hadrian's wall. To imagine the grandeur of size and how long it might have taken to build is just mesmerizing. The wall in this site is less than half of its original build height but still amazing to look at and envision the surrounding areas and wonder, how the heck did they get all of these rocks? WHERE did they get all of these rocks? I mean think about it, this wall spanned the entire north of the UK at one time! This is what kept the bad people out of England! Saxons and the like!
On to the Fort. A nice recreation with some of the original Fort wall footings to look at. Nothing spectacular.
One suggestion.
When you go into the store for trinkets, DO buy the English Heritage pass. This tourist pass will get you into MANY MANY MANY different sites throughout the UK including Barnard Castle, Stonehenge, Salisbury Castle (already free but donations are accepted), Raglan Castle. The list goes on and on. It's well-worth the 40-pounds for a family and saves you money in the long run.