I bought a teambuy voucher to try this place out
"$35 for two lobsters, appetizer up to $15.95 and rice or noodles up to $16.95"
-you cannot choose your appetizer from the menu, only the rice or noodle dish choices are yours. They give you two springrolls or egg rolls which are $1.95 each. Not sure where the extra $10 comes from for the appetizer.
-lobster came out within five minutes but was dripping in oil. It tastes like they had previously made it to prepare for the teambuy and re-fried to serve
-I'm Chinese (the servers did not know it) and could hear the servers trash talk the table beside us in Cantonese
-on a brighter note, the service was fast and efficient. They even force you to pay a tip that they have worked out and written on a piece of paper