| - Dear Dr Keller,
Perhaps you will read this like you have read other comments and make some changes in your practice. You are a very friendly and open person, so open that I see it is a little much for some of your patients based on other reviews. It is not perhaps my personal preference for a bedside manner, but you seemed to do everything I required with competence and to address any questions I may have had.
You do not seem to be the warm, fuzzy doctor that some might like, but my fault is not with you, or even your staff. Poor 'T', your office manager, put on a brave face and came out to talk to me after I was already extremely upset and filled with rage at your billing 'department'. Too bad she couldn't work any magic to rectify the situation as you have relinquished any and all responsibility for billing to one person who needs to work on managing problem claims and customer service. I would think that since I am your patient and you hire 'J' to do your billing that you would have the ability to have a say in solving any service issues created by your billing 'department'.
Yes, my issue is with 'J', your one and only medical biller that took approximately 2 years and 3 months to properly process an office visit with my insurance. The first bill I received for visits in Jan 2015 and Feb 2015 came in Jan 2016, a whole year after the visits. 'J' claims that she was working on it with my insurance, except they have no record of that, and another review I read somewhere had the same problem, receiving a bill a year later and with a final notice with a due date the day after it was postmarked. I'm sorry, but that is completely ridiculous and I got one of those threatening final bills as well. The bill I received a year later included a years worth of interest on those two visits in addition to it not being processed with the insurance. I called 'J' and she basically said she'd redo it but didn't provide much in the way of details, nor did she indicate I should do or needed to do anything to get it resolved. She made it sound like she'd take care of it and there wouldn't be any issue. The first visit from Jan 2015 did get processed and paid for by my insurance within a couple months while the insurance process took its course. Another visit from May 2015 was also correctly processed at that time as well. Therefore, I do not understand why the Feb 2015 visit never got processed.
Oh wait, actually I do. I had to call my insurance administrator multiple times and relayed the information to 'J'. They told me that the Feb 2015 visit was missing the taxonomy code. The ONLY thing that 'J' had to do was send in the taxonomy code and she never did that for a whole year, even after I got another bill for the Feb 2015 visit 6 months ago and again relayed that they needed a taxonomy code. A couple months ago I finally sent a letter certified to your office so that this could be resolved as your online statement delivery kept showing I owed the full amount without any adjustment based on insurance. And lo and behold, after the certified letter I got a call from your office saying you've spoken with 'J'. After connecting 'J' to a supervisor at my insurance administrator after she still did not submit the paperwork with the taxonomy code, and more back and forth to get that required taxonomy code, the claim was finally processed. The 3 or so bills before this was resolved were billed at the full rate for the office visit, but did not include interest. Funny, how after all my efforts to get this resolved 'J' decides she should try to charge me interest even though this was the first correct amount for the office visit on a bill in over 2 years. Really? I'm sorry, but that is unacceptable. The fact that she told 'T', your office manager, a lie that the claim was processed with insurance when it wasn't, as I doubt 'T' lied on her own about that, is completely outrageous. While we are sitting in your office 'J' tells me over the phone while 'T' is listening in that yes, there are policies she has to follow and that if I had paid the full rate of the office visit on the bill that she sent without showing interest, that I would have received a follow up bill charging me the interest. Funny how she says all this, and then my insurance administrator says that because you are contracted provider that you shouldn't be charging me interest as it was not my fault the bill took so long to be processed correctly. I was so excited to finally pay my bill and be done with this so I could make my annual appointment and then she has to decide I should pay interest. Per my insurance administrators recommendation, I have sent payment for the amount due without interest. I hope that this will be accepted and processed without further nonsense about interest. I am sorry to say that I will no longer be able to visit you for any services..