| - Persistent nagging from my Dr. to join a gym as a means of addressing my declining health condition, reluctantly with sloth-like motion I entered North Las Vegas 24hr Fitness Club.
Greeted by a warm friendly staff I signed up for Senior Sneakers program,( free with medicare).
The facility has lots of equipment, good ventilation and clean. What impressed me most was the rapport between staff and club members.
After interviewing a Personal Trainer I made a 1 yr. commitment , with remarkable results losing over 50lbs , health improved and no more meds. Can't put a price on good health folks!
She peeled the first layer of the onion. It was time to apply some of those skills I learned. Faltering at first not showing up consistently.
I designed my own senior cross fit program. Weight Training along with participating in classes offered.
Pop and Body Pump is my love- hate class. Coach, aka 'the Punisher", motivates us to challenge our limits. Defiantly not for the faint of heart.
Zumba , my silly class, coach has a low center of gravity with energy and enthusiasm that radiates through the class. She encourages us to be free and flow with the motion of the ocean.
Seniors Sneakers my Happy Class, here are my peeps a delightful group. Most have been here forever I feel honored to join them in this journey . The instructor my #1 coach is compassionate and caring. I have discovered balance in my fitness program.
Tirzah our fearless leader orchestrates a fluid, precise program, where the staff work in harmony with the same goal, and true concern to address the needs of the members.
I see my fitness journey as a life long endeavour.
Improved health ,energy and confidence has enabled me to have a more productive and richer personal life.