| - My son has been taking gymnastics here since he was 9 months old in the free baby gym class. Then he started mini kittens at 16 months, and is currently 2 years old and in the kittens class twice a week. It is very structured and organized...
The first 15 minutes is obstacle courses utilizing the balance beams, barre, vault and rings. The second 15 minutes is running, skipping and hopping in circles to fun music and learning how to freeze, followed by stretching our legs. Then they all play with toys, balls, tunnels, hoops etc. The last 15 minutes is my sons favorite part of class! That's when they get to jump on the huge trampoline or run on the long narrow trampoline, or jump into the giant foam pit and try to climb out.
It is a "mommy-and-me" style class until they are three years old and out of diapers, so I can't give a review on that age range yet. But from my observations, it looks like the coaches are well trained and take their jobs seriously where safety is important and progress is being made, but still keeping it fun for the kids.