We went for a 5:30pm reservation and walked into a mostly empty restaurant. Our waiter was very friendly and checked in on us throughout the night. We also never ran out of water (which is a major thing for me).
There is a salad and side dish bar, on the main floor. The food there was very tasty and well prepared. The meat is grilled over a fire, off to the side, on large skewers. As each cut of meat is done grilling, the servers will carry the skewer around from table to table, offering you cuts of the meat.
We occasionally had to wait for various cuts to make their way to us and some cuts definitely came by more often than others. On the plus side, most of the cuts were very tasty and the servers would pass along our requests for which cut we wanted to get next (or soon).
I appreciated the fact that each of the individual cuts is small, enough for just 3 or 4 bites. Like The Melting Pot (another favorite restaurant of mine), this forces you to eat slowly and really appreciate both the food and the company you're with. It slows down the meal, which is very nice. It also gives me the freedom to eat until I'm full without feeling like I have a certain set amount that I need to finish.
All in all, highly recommended.