This place really delivers on value for your money. The meals here are cheap and have huge portions. I was debating whether to give 3 or 4 stars as I didn't necessarily enjoy what I was eating but thought it was a good experience nonetheless. I ordered the beef soon tofu off the limited menu and could not even come close to finishing the tofu and rice. I wasn't even sure what "soon tofu" was upon ordering was but my dining companion could not stop raving about it so I took the chance.
Service was efficient and not overbearing. The soon tofu meals are basically identical here with the exception of protein changes or vegetable additions. They all come as a set with fermented vegetables. The kimchi here was definitely not the best I've ever had unfortunately.
The main gripe I had with my food was that there was too much tofu. Ok, I know what you're thinking...duh, of course there's going to be a large amount of tofu! However, let me state that there was so little beef and other veggies, it felt like eating a big bowl of tofu soup. At the end of the meal, I realized I'm not the biggest fan of Korean food but the meal wasn't remotely horrible as my dining companion enjoyed theirs and there was a huge line out the door.