Periodically I forget that I need to get on over to my spot Pet Tique and end up rushing by this place- especially now that it is closer to my new digs. Also, my dog has mad skills at finishing up the last of his food post- PetTique hours on the few days they close before Pet Supplies Plus. I DARE YOU to go in this store and immediately find the Natural Balance long tubes of dog food in the same place two times in a row. You should get a medal or banner flown around in the sky if this can be accomplished. Equally impressive would be obtaining some kind of customer service away from the cash register. I know it's super important to make sure the floor stays in place so folks have GOT to stand around to keep that happening, but; really? you can't even point me in some kind of direction? just interrupt your standing and laughing with coworkers (this totally happens mostly with the dudes I've seen working there- I always see young women on the registers ringing up customer after customer...) long enough to point me in some kind of direction...
I know they all probably get paid crap. And this may be a job they're not particularly passionate about doing. That's fine- I don't need to have a 45 minute conversation about my dog and his awesomeness with everyone. Just consider being a bit polite and maybe, you know, on a basic human level recognize that I'm there and saying, "excuse me," in an attempt to get your help or get you to move out of my way for a second.
Also maybe don't put expired food samples in the sample bin.