I have a lot of respect for Chef Richard but was less than pleased on my recent visit. Our experience was, surely, not up to his standards. My suggestion, sir, is that you personally kick your chef and runners in the @ss and straighten them out.
For breakfast I witnessed a bowl of grits be run across the dining room and immediately returned by the runner -- who appeared to have that "what table?" look of his face. Then a bowl of grits appeared on our table. Same plate? Who knows and who cares... the question became, "where's the rest of our meals?" It took several minutes for the waiter to work it out and the story was that "chef thought the runners took the food". That delay didn't seem to harm the American breakfast, or the filet and eggs very much... but it transformed the sauce on the eggs benedict into a semi-solidified coating. Now that was a very tasty coating but not much of a sauce. Running food shouldn't be too much of a challenge but it seemed to be challenging the staff on that day. Had the food been delievered promptly and in top-quality condition this probably would have been a 4.5 star rating!
p.s. I'm suspecting that the following is much more complex an issue than I can imagine... but what's up with the lady wearing the brown shirt (Ceaser's uniform?) doing hte floor cleanup? Several times she cruised the dining room and then seemed to take a rest break right there. Seeing a lady with dustpan, broom, and rubber gloves wasn't quite in keeping with a high-end dining establishment... but I do appreciate the need to keep the floors tidy.