I can not emphasize enough. DO NOT GET SPECTRUM!! It is the worst and slowest internet humanly imaginable. Remember dial up? Well if you miss the Stone age of computer technology then spectrum is perfect for you. However if you are trying to keep up with the times then it sucks. They will intentionally slow down your internet regardless of what your contract says. Don't believe me? Try doing a bing test and compare. Oh but if it shows it's their fault you better believe they will blame everybody and everything except themselves. Modem, router, your computer, or anything they think is an excuse. Honestly they deserve no stars. Possibly negative stars if it was possible. Oh and don't call their phones. Their reps will make you feel like they found and solved the problem. But nope they did nothing at all. It'll remain slow. Want to solve your slow internet? Simply pay more money for an upgrade and then it will go slightly faster. Then wait a week when they offer another deal and your back to slow internet.