Today, January 26, is my mother's birthday. I decided to to stop and get her a dozen roses first thing this morning. I walked in and I was happy and chipper...unlike who I assumed to be the owner. I was barely greeted...I was wrung up...and I had to tell HIM to have a nice day...I even included a huge smile and complimented him on hid watch so that maybe....just maybe he'd get the hint to be a bit more courteous....but nope...he was still acting like Mr. Scrooge. I took my mom's beautiful roses to the car and I realized there was no little packet of flower powder stuff attached to them for home use...I had to go back inside . I was told with a frown "all of the flowers we sell are already treated" well, how was I supposed to know that??? Thank goodness a random person in front of me at the next place I stopped did a good deed and random act of kindness and purchased my coffee for pays to be nice Mr Flower guy. Thank goodness you didn't ruin my day!