* Deemos is where you end up when the Merc Bar throws one of your friends out for wearing a baseball cap.
* You didn't really want to go to Merc anyway, so maybe that was a blessing in disguise.
* Deemos appears as a standard sportsbar type place.
* Except this one evening, there happened to be karaoke.
* And a plethora of frat & sorority cheesemongers.
* How do I know they're Greek and not just vapid & bleached blonde? They're all wearing their letters. Even though it's June and the school year's over.
* Nimrods.
* And since we're not on Mill or Scottsdale Road, WTF are these people doing here, anyway?
* Then I look at many of the guys and their baseball caps.
* Maybe they all got booted out of Merc Bar, too.
* Who knows.
* Anyway, karaoke. Bad singing. Bad drinking. Me cringing.
* I fail in persuading anyone to leave. I steer clear of the microphone.
* This goes one for two more hours and 5 more rounds of beer.
* I still manage to avoid the microphone.
* The Greeks have a giant overly enthusiastic and offkey group sing of "Summer Nights." I die a slow, painful death on my barstool.
* That was last summer.
* More recently, I thought I'd see if anything was going on there after a movie at the AMC.
* Nothing. One old guy leaning over his drink at the bar. That was it.
* Biff & Taffy must have a new hangout in the Camelback Corridor.
* And, uh, I walked out.
* The end.