I travel a lot and shop the Best Buy stores from time to time. When I moved to Summerlin area, I was pretty excited to pick up a couple new OLED TV's, but was surprised that I couldn't find a sales person or any help in the magnolia section. I thought it was just an off day and returned a couple more times and found the lack of staffing.
I ended up going down to the Rainbow Blvd best buys to find out that the Summerlin location doesn't carry OLED TV's in stock because of the costs... so I ended up going down to Fry's.
I've returned to this location for DVD's and other small items. They seem to have a great selection on smaller items, but I can't recommend this location if you are going for big ticket items, unless the Best Buys point are something you need and you are willing to wait to have it shipped to you. For myself, the OLED TV seemed like it was price controlled at every location I had visited, so it just came down to who had it in stock.
This location compared location is ok, but not great.