| - I actually went to the Kingsland Farmer's Market location but I'm too lazy to add it to the list. "Tsk tsk Heather, half a job" - my Dad whenever I'm 'too lazy' to do something.
So I work in marketing and I've done the occasional naming exercise, whether for products, or lines of business, or even businesses themselves. Before I found out that Coco Brooks was a pizza place here's what I might have said....
Hmmm....Coco...maybe they sell coconuts? Or chocolate? Or strippers? Oh, well then there's Brooks in there confusing me....I know Brooks is a sporting goods store but that doesn't seem to fit with Coco. Maybe it's a brook like a river, or it IS a last name, but I didn't think that strippers even had last names.
NEVER in my wildest dreams would I have thought it was a pizza place. And, never would I have guessed that they would use the packaging on their pizza to attempt to impart godly wisdom upon pizza eaters.
I bought 2 pizzas, the Big Al's (aka meat frenzy) on a traditional crust and the Sicilian on a gluten-free crust. Now, I'm not a scientist (marketing, remember?) but I do understand proper experimental design. And originally I thought I should probably cook both at once and evaluate them side by side. Well, I was too lazy to do that so I enjoyed them on different days. (Tsk, tsk.)
Big Al's - Fantastic pizza. Guilty pleasure pizza. Maybe there's religious stuff on the box because you're likely to feel guilty after eating it. Whatever. You can put whatever you want on the box as long as long as that's as far as it goes. I had to restrain myself against eating the whole thing. (I should be clear here that while this is a tasty pizza, it's not high quality ingredients that make it tasty, it's the fat and carbs working their magic on your wired-for-survival, evolutionary-slow-to-change brain - sorry creationists.)
Gluten Free Sicilian - Horrible. I've had many GF pizza crusts before and this is an awful crust supporting an even worse cast of toppings. I ate one piece and the rest is still in my fridge.
Final thoughts - don't get confused by the name like I did - this is a PIZZA place.