| - We had the honor of having Gwen Waring officiate our wedding a couple of weeks ago, and she was simply amazing! A couple months prior to the wedding, we met with her in her office to go over the details of the ceremony. In this meeting, she took copious notes about what we did and did not want said/done during the ceremony (i.e. guests should not be asked to stand when bride begins to walk, no asking "who gives this woman to this man," omitting of the word "obey," no genderizing of God, etc.).
The ceremony began, and immediately I was at ease. Gwen left out the things we didn't want, and beautifully wove in the things we did. She has a very pleasant tone, a kind demeanor, and is just a very sweet person in general. She is also EXTREMELY ARTICULATE.
I've been to other weddings, and the skill of the minister is so crucial to having a great ceremony. Having Gwen officiate our ceremony was probably the best choice we made in ALL of our pre-wedding arrangements & consultations. At the end of the day, the wedding is about the vows we take, not about the dress, the bridal party, or even the venue. If you want the most important aspect of your wedding to be beautifully done and tailored to your specific needs/desires/beliefs, the best thing you can do is make an appointment with Gwen Waring. She is nothing short of phenomenal!