Tryst and XS are made by the same people and you can certainly tell.
Tryst is nice but not as nice as XS.
I honestly dont remember the details of the decor. All I remember is that I had an awesome time! Met some real live ballers with table service and they made our Vegas trip unforgetable!!! The entire weekend!....So, I just want to thank Tryst for letting some amazing people in the club (lol).
There were poles near our table and we had a good time with those.
It was a group of 5 females and we got into the club free on a Friday night. However, we eventually got kicked out because some girl LIED and said that we were arguing with her???????...Im not sure how that was even possible because we were sitting at a table the entire time. The bouncers booted one of my friends so we all left. I think somebody was mad at our pole dancing! LOL
Anywho, I love Tryst nonetheless.