| - So it got to the point where I was starved and did not care were i went to eat. I was hoping to kill some sashimi a Watami. I walked in there and had to turn around and walk out, out it just did not look good and the lady can not eat gluten, and she did not want Chipotle. Dam you woman, Red Lobster it will be. I did not care anymore we needed food.
Well, i can for sure say 4 courses 15 dollars.A Shit ton of food. Clam chowder decent. Salad, decent. Coconut shrimp decent,pineapple grilled shrimp a bit salty, but decent, cheddar rolls,pretty f'n good. Brownie desert, just plain overkill. Cost 15 dollars, I think chains set a goal of packing as many calories per dollar as possible. whew, I felt so dirty and ashamed like the next day after beer goggles. No you did not, yes I did. In a pinch i would go back just order something that did not make me gain like an extra chin!.
Oh the service was pretty good, sat at the bar, lots of little nose pickers making noise.