This place is the absolute worst. My mother in law was in a ballroom dance competition. I arrived and should have known they dont have it together when the valet couldnt tell me whether there was a cost for the valet for people coming to watch the competition. When I told him it didn't matter and I pulled out my money he didnt know what to do. So after the 15 minute valet escapade which resuled in a 15 min manager inquiry, and a $15 charge, we went in to enjoy the ballroom dance. It was a Thursday morning so hardly any people there, so not accepting the it was busy excuse. (Later on I would find out that neither my brother or my moms friends who are not staying at the resort had to pay for a valet).
Then my husband went to the front desk to determine if there were any rooms available if we wanted to stay Saturday to watch the competition. The front desk girl couldnt tell us the cost of the room for Saturday. She said the rates varied which was fine. Despite that she couldnt tell us if there was a cost, a room available, or the variable rate. After 10 minutes of that the manager came over and told us it was a 2 night min, which again was fine, but couldnt tell us cost.
Apparently no one at this place knows what's going on on a Thursday at 1 pm, so don't go there with any expectation if you go there at all. We certainly won't, which sucks because we frequently do staycations cause I love spas and room service. Princess here I come!