Dear Basha,
This is the second occasion I have purchased expired food from your store. Charging a premium price for a double cream feta which is almost 3 months past expiry is appalling! Had I lived closer to you, I would have thrown it in your face. The first time was you sold me expired goods was when you were at the Temple location and I determined it might have been because you were in the process of a move so the merchandise was not rotated and I let it slide, besides that thing has happened even at Superstore...well, fool me once shame on you...fool me twice...GO SCREW YOURSELF!
I would just once love to enter an establishment geared towards Arab/Mediterranean food and not have to double check expiry dates or question hygiene practices. Speaking of hygiene practices- the meat pies do not taste like meat (anymore)...ewe. Nice to lure your customers in the beginning with a quality product then pulling the switcheroo! Fool me thrice?! NEVER!
This makes me seriously reconsider any purchase from you. I might just leave it to purchasing pitas and jarred goods if I happen to be in the area at least that way I know I won't be second guessing myself and wondering if the expiry dates are true or if a sticker that is ambiguously placed somewhere is one you printed yourself in order to salvage your stock!
Shame on wonder this place is up for sale. Good luck with that, you seriously need it. Hopefully the new owners can make a difference and then you might win me back.