I had to take a couple of hours to calm down to write this review. I have never been so annoyed in my life.
I usually go to the Starbucks on 16th St...but they don't have a drive thru. The one on Thomas/32st has the worst service, so I decided to the 44th St location today. I was craving a Roasted Pepper Panini today real bad.
I get up to the drive-thru to order my panini
"No, you caaaaaaaaan't haaaaave that! I am soooooo sorrrrrrrrrryyyyyy. We have been waiting for a new order to come in."
"Oh...well, do you have any other paninis?"
Instead of her answering, she said "You will have to stay in the drive thru line, but it doesn't look like it's that long"
Great...now I am stuck in a drive thru line that I can't get out of. I was held hostage. There wasn't anything else I wanted. So I had to wait 20 mintues to get out of the drive thru.
Funny thing, the person in front of me got a coupon for a free drink because they were out of what they ordered as well. I, of course, got nothing.