I've never felt so skeptical of a place always trying to rip me off. Between them telling me to replace parts that aren't broken to charging 1000% what a part really cost plus labor. They won't install your parts unless you over pay for theirs.. Today they tried to convince me I needed a whole new oil cooler and couldn't replace the 10 dollar gasket so I'd buy their 400 dollar part. Well they misled me I did research and they were wrong. I've spent over 5k easily in less than 2 years in matinence with them and they can never get me in. It's like pulling teeth to get them to fix my recalls (which they can't find time to fix) over all this place sucks they are scam artist you can find a better shop that will work on your car for a fraction of the price. Stay away from berge they make me want to sell my Mazda so I never have to deal with a Mazda dealership again