| - Yes, the food is good - some things, like the Brie appetizer are even great. I wanted to try the lamb, the house speciality, but they were out. My date's pork was good - the risotto it came with was delicious. My sea bass was slightly overcooked and I didn't care for the relish it came with. I like the ambiance, my date disagreed - he thought it was loud - it's true we could hear all the conversations around us; but food and ambiance aside, my gripe is with CST's customer service.
I purchased a $25 gift certificate for CDT on a month ago. When we went to redeem it, we were told, "oh, i'm sorry, we don't honor those should be able to contact and get a refund." End of story. No visit from the manager, no complimentary desert. Nothing.
We were not the only people that came in that night trying to use our certificate, the table next to us also had one. We went in that night because of the certificate - some people get them to try a new place - i got it cause i needed a little extra incentive to go back to CDT - I remembered the food being good but a bit pricy - $25 off seemed like a nice discount. Whatever, the reason, restaurants count on sites such as to bring in people to their establishments. We upheld our end of the agreement - we went in, ordered more than just the 2 entree min (app, salad, corakge fee) but CDT did not uphold their end of the agreement - and in my opnion, that is horrible customer service. The certificate was supposed to be good for a year - it's not like we tried to use it close to the expiration date, I tried using it one month after purchasing it. Even worse is that CDT has not contacted to let them know that they are no longer honoring it.
Luring customers with a gift certificate and not honoring it is a bad business practice.