Deceitful, Dishonest, Scammer. That's what Dave Smith's DDS stands for.
Insurance patients BEWARE, Smith will prolong your treatment for as long as he possibly can to milk every last cent from your insurance, like a hungry piglet suckling his momma's teet. He will beg you every appointment to please give him another 6 weeks so he can get your teeth "just like he wants them". Buddy, if you haven't been able to get them just like you want them in 7 years then why should I trust you for even another minute?
I am not the only one that this has happened to. I met another patient of his at his office who, also on medicaid, has had their 2 year long braces extended by years and years.
If you're looking for an orthodontist, you would do better to look elsewhere or else face nearly a decade of braces with very little difference in your oral health to show for it.