| - I'm not a big mustard person, but I'll be damned if you can show me a place that does mustard in a better way than Kozlik's does in St. Lawrence Market. It's on the top floor, on the left a few stalls in if you walk in from the front (i.e. the northern entrance). There's pretty much always a crowd around as far as I could tell because they are slicing up ham and have their many varieties of mustard to sample. I was a huge fan of the Rib-B-Q, which tasted like a spiced-up, mustard-y version of barbeque sauce. In the end, though, you can't deny the greatness of the Amazing Maple (the one I bought a jar of to bring back). I'm pretty sure maple is the national flavor of Canada, but the way the sweet flavor is infused into the mustard and gives you that rich maple taste before you get that hint of mustard heat is fantastic. I've used it a couple times for chicken nuggets I've made at home, and it works so well.
You can stand at the stall all day long, sample, and get filled, but you may as well take a jar (or more) home so you can enjoy the incredible flavors this place has come up with. Next time I come to Toronto, I'm going to need a bigger suitcase to take more of this awesomeness back across the border...