| - I don't frequent Starbucks as often as my wife, but I have never had a a rude associate or bad service. Unfortunately, Michele was the exception to this. When I asked for my first drink I did not get any response. After about 45 seconds or so, I simply replied, "hello?" She came back at me with, " I heard you! I asked if you want whipped cream!" in a rude tone. I told her no thank you and the speaker must be broken because no noise came from it before. She told me it was the car wash next door. That fine, but literally no noise came out of the speaker and she repeated it was the car wash next door. She proceeded to be rude the rest of the visit and when asked what granita flavors they have, she responded with, "all of them" in a sharp tone. I understand everyone has a bad day or has miscommunication, but maybe don't take it out on the customer? The funniest part is that after being rude the whole trip, she kindly gave me my drinks in a cheerful way and told me it was Yelp day and to leave them a great review, so I am leaving one. Sorry, but 10 seconds of good interaction doesn't change a bad visit.