| - It's been such a long time since we've been to Chou's Kitchen and it was as good as we remembered.
Between the two of us, we shared the beef stir-fry noodle (#26) and an order of beef pies (#100). The beef stir-fry noodle is everything you'd expect, thankfully with an ample amount of sliced beef. The beef seemed a little tough this time, but hey, still good. The beef pies, ohmylord, are to die for. Okay, they're a little on the greasy side, by that I mean these pies are dripping with oil with every bite. Just don't think about what these are doing to your arteries and savor each bite. Stop thinking.
Also, there's always a bit of comedy we take away from each visit to Chou's. Like I remember having one of the waitresses ask politely if I needed a fork cause it apparently was pretty clear that my chopstick skills were not, as the kids say, on point. Also, this time around, when my hubby picked up our order of noodles and beef pies, the lady had asked if he needed chopsticks. Yes please, two chopsticks, he replied. And the lady smiled "knowingly" as if to say, haha two chopsticks, we know you're really eating this all by yourself. He told me about it when he got home and we had a good laugh but I think going forward I should probably start picking up the food with him.