| - ***Warning*** This place is a scam! The are not interested in you, they are interested in your money.
I went here seeking treatment for my pain. My pain gets so bad I end up in the emergency room. They told me they treat pain with mild medications on a frequent daily use. So they prescribe me something I have an allergic reaction to knowing I have the reaction to take multiple times. Fair to say it is not as bad in low dosages but too many in one day makes the reaction worse.
They take my insurance information. I am told they do not take my secondary insurance and I would have to pay a copay. I told them fine, to take the insurance information out of their computer system. They stated they would. Come to find out, they billed the secondary insurance anyway and were overpaid extremely beyond the copay amount. To this date, they have not contacted me about my credit on the account so I contacted them. I had to leave a voicemail requesting reimbursement and the voicemail stated they would get back to me within 48 hours.
I called to schedule a procedure. I made the office visit. I was told it would be with sedation per my request. When I got there, they stated it was going to be without sedation. Yeah, like stick a long needle through my central nervous system/spine without any sedation. I do not think so. So they had conflicting paperwork. They sent the nurse back in to tell me my insurance did not cover the sedation. When I questioned them none of their answers were consistent. I was told the person who scheduled my procedure was new when I had a conversation with her stating she had worked there for a few years. Then when I told them they were wrong about the coverage I was calling the insurance to explain to them the coverage. I had the procedure done about a year prior with no problems. They then told me the anesthesia group Lytle Arizona PC did not accept the insurance and if I wanted sedation it would be $400. Why would I pay that kind of money when I have dual insurance? I would not. So they tried to talk me into the procedure anyway and said if I did not do it they would prescribe me something I could take prior to the rescheduled date for the procedure and I could not do the procedure that day because the doctor would not wait for the time to take for the medications to work.
So I reschedule while I get clarification. I called the anesthesiology group Lytle and talk with several people, They do not want to take or bill for Aetna and refuse to bill the secondary. That was the bottom line. Pure laziness.
So I get a call from the pharmacy and they gave me valium. A small dosage to relax me when there is alot of pain involved in the procedure. I called them throught the day on Wednesday to tell them this is not going to work. I keep getting voicemails cause their phone lines are too busy so after holding for so long, it sends you to voicemail. Towards the end of the day. I finally cancel leaving a voicemail at 412pm according to their office.
On Thursday, I get a call from the receptionist in the actual office not the call center telling me the doctor wanted to know why I did not show up for my appointment. I told her I cancelled the day prior and was trying to contact them but was not able to get through about the lack of medication. She then started questioning me about why I picked up the medication when in fact I did not. I left it at the pharmacy knowing it was not going to help me at all.
Friday comes along, and I get a phone message asking me to call back and give my credit card information for a cancellation fee. I advise them they overbilled me in the past and I should have a credit but nothing should be taken from that. I advise the lady of their mistakes and their cost of my money and time on Monday and she tells me there is an agreement she is looking at and since my procedure was at 130pm and their records indicate a voicemail at 412pm that was not a full 24 hours and therefore I should be charged. I asked her what about my time and inconvenience again and she stated she has my contract signed in front of her that I need to pay. I ask to speak to a manager and I am sent to another voicemail.
I did forget to mention it took me an hour to make the initial appointment cause I had been in a tangled mess between two departments as to who was going to schedule the initial consult because I had existing appointments that were timed to get the medications I am allergic to and a migraine specialist. I had to ask for a manager and I was transffered to this same lady in the previous paragraph on a Monday in which she does not work on Mondays, she only works Tues-Friday. So I had to call back
On Friday, I go to another pain management clinic and was asked why I did not have the procedure done there. I explained to the dr why and he stated it sounded as though they were running a scam with the $400 charge for an anesthesiologist. I agree