| - I am a member of Remnant Ministries. This church is about loving God and spreading the gospel to every man, woman and child. As a member of this congregation this happens with the teachings of not only my Pastor Cunningham, but by Pastor Bob, who teaches Katecheo Bible Training, by Pastor Felicity, who teaches Women Bible, by Ms. Loli, Help Ministry, Jody and Michael Lyman, Biblical Foundation, Pastor Efren, Spanish Service, Pastor Stacy, Young Adults, and every member of the this Church. This is what we do here at Remnant Ministries. Maybe instead of spreading lies and gossip about a dear Pastor of this church, you should join one of our classes so that we may be able to help you in discerning the truth about our Pastors and the Lord's word. If you are bouncing between churches, why don't you decide which one you really want as your home and learn from it. My name is Edna Boone and I am a very proud member of this church and a very proud student of Katecheo taught by Pastor Robert Paget.