I'm sad to give such a poor review, but my treat has consistently been less than satisfactory. A "like it" size (the smallest) with 2 tablespoon size mix-ins, in a plain waffle cone/bowl typically runs me over $6. I never used to pay attention to that, but my husband would get so annoyed with how pricey it is. With that in mind, my attitude started to change in regards to, "if I'm paying this kind of money for a one-time (meaning there are never leftovers) treat, it should be top-quality" --the amount of ice cream is too small for the price. The amount they charge per stale mix-in (tablespoon size) is overpriced and then to add insult to injury, my plain waffle cone/bowl is without fail always hard and stale ruining the entire experience. It's very frustrating. I used to go all the time, but was getting very tired of taking the risk of getting a stale, yucky tasting treat. So I'd go every so often and hope "this time Id get a good one" nope. I even threw my last two away. My money is good, my product should be too.