I had been having some neck pains that caused my are to keep going numb. So of course I freaked out. I don't have much experience with Chiropractors. I figured you have a neck or spine issue you go see this type of doctor. Boy was I wrong. Can these doctors help? Yes, I believe they do. Are you going to pay for it? Yeah, you bet you are. We have medical insurance, so I figured I pay for insurance and the cost could be covered by this. Yes, a rude awaking! I don't think most medical insurance companies even recognize Chiropractors as real doctors.
I found this place on Yelp because of the reviews. Which now I'm thinking are just friends of the business. I saw Dr. Badger and he was thorough. He did tests and took some x rays. He then sent me to get an MRI. So far so good. I returned so he could go over the MRI and make his diagnoses and treatment. He was a fast talker and then started to pitch. I have been in sales for a long time. I have been taught some great techniques over the years after countless training. I saw right through his pitch, which was well executed. Then came the treatment cost. What a waste of time, They wanted me to be there 3 times a week for about 6 weeks and it was going to cost $3,000.00! I thanked the doctor with my head still spinning and walked out the door.
So the moral of the story is, Do you have bunch of money that you don't know what to do with? Then go see the Chiropractor. Do you have medical insurance? if yes, then go see a real doctor. Cheers!