I hate this place. Well I shouldn't say that, my wallet hates this place.... the wallet I bought here might I add.
The dresses, the shoes, the purses oh lordy.
I have stuff from here that I will never wear not because I don't love them but because I can't. I may or may have not bought a pair of super cute heels that lets face it I just don't have the lady like ability to walk in. So these heels are my okay Brittany learn how to walk in heels and be a lady then you can wear them. Until then they are displayed on my dresser.
Blame Betty makes me want to be a better person. They make me want to get a really good paying job so I can come in and actually buy all the stuff. I wasn't joking its gonna happen.
However Blame Betty might also be responsible for ruining my friendships. When I see instagram posts saying "look at the stuff I bought at @BlameBetty #yyc #fashion #cool" I get really jealous and offended that I was NOT invited. How dare they go shopping without me... I might have a few problems. haha.