| - I am not a yelper unless I feel it is necessary and think I could help others. I spent two years at Metro, when it was a more reasonable price that reflects the risk, and had nothing but problems. I have rented apartments for 10yrs and take pride in being the quiet/low maintenance tenant and never made a complaint to a landlord before. I will admit, you might not be able to get better square footage and landscaping for the money, but thats it. Some people in the office make an effort. BUT with rumors of meth labs, crack heads, old drunks constantly bickering, things being stolen from my porch, kids shooting bb guns, police coming often, a murder years ago now a stabbing and most of all in my experience ROACHES is the lightrail and landscaping worth it? I had to gas/spray multiple times, something I have never had to do anywhere before ever. EVER. I am very clean, don't leave dishes out, and use tupperware. They sprayed without me knowing while I was out with my cat inside! (Not necessary to remove pets for spraying but there is contrary evidence that it IS bad for them, matter of opinion but I would have removed her) In fact, I only moved two miles away and haven't had a bug problem the whole time I've been here. Somehow always MY fault, that noone else had them! BS everyone did! My ac roof unit and vents broke 4 times too. Although Mesa's fault, water and power were off more times in the the two years there than in my entire life combined. Wanted you to know what you're getting into. Best of luck please try to find something better, just because you're low income doesn't mean you deserve this.