| - AWFUL. This erratic, crazy woman named Sandra gouged the top of my hair, messed the back up badly, and messed up around my ears. Not just one mistake, but every mistake she could possibly manage. She was rude, strange, saying weird stuff, and when she wrecked my haircut, she started being mean and blaming me. She claimed that I "moved my head," causing her to mess up and cut at the wrong angle with scissors. She commented that the 4 year old in there was keeping his head straight, asked me if I had ever been to a barber before. I eventually got irate when I realized she was just making it worse and continued blaming me and pushing me back in the chair. Pretty sure she was on drugs and had never cut hair before. She kept saying shit about pizza in the wall... for real, yall.
She took out a straight razor that looked like she found it in a junk drawer at a gas station. I told her there was no fkn way in hell and to finish the fk up so I could leave. I paid $20 for a mangled looking haircut that I had to get fixed across town. They had to shave my head with a size zero guard, to the scalp, in order to fix it. Weird, unprofessional, druggie wack jobs. Do not recommend.