| - On the plus side, the office is nice and the location is convenient if you live downtown (Queen's Park metro). But...
The hours are not very convenient if you have a 9-to-5 job: they are open from 8am to 4:30pm or 5:30pm, and closed on weekends. So if you work normal hours, you basically need to take a morning or afternoon off to go there. Every other dentist office I've seen was open at least a few nights during the week, or on Saturday morning, to accommodate people with office jobs.
The prices are insane. I went there for a cleaning and to ask whether they think I should any of my 4 wisdom teeth removed. My teeth are in good condition (I don't have a lot of tartar) and the dentist told me my wisdom teeth were all fine. Total cost? 390.00$ (195$ for the cleaning and 195$ for checking my wisdom teeth). That's insane. I moved to Toronto from Québec City and over there, my dental cleaning was 80.00$ and it was free to ask the dentist a question such as "Hey, do you think I should remove my wisdom teeth?". I get that an office in downtown Toronto is more expensive than an office in Québec City, but that doesn't justify a price difference that high. I asked a friend who goes to a dentist in High Park (an expensive area), and she told me it was 120$ for her dental cleaning, and that once every two appointments, you can see the dentist to ask a question like the one I had on my wisdom tooth, check on your fillings, etc. So I don't think the simple fact that Metropolitan Dental is located in downtown Toronto justifies these prices. It simply makes no sense that at Metropolitan Dental the price is 195$ for a cleaning and that for that price, you can never see the dentist to ask anything or check for things that the dental hygienist isn't qualified to assess.
Lastly, I am currently in the process of obtaining Invisalign with them, and so far the process has been the opposite of a smooth and positive customer experience. I went about a month ago for the dentist to take the imprints of my teeth. I then paid 1,500$ as an account of the total treatment cost. I asked for an email receipt, but never received it. I told her over the phone today (about a month later) that I still hadn't received that email receipt and that I was waiting on that to claim it to my insurance. The worst part is she didn't even bother apologizing! She was just like "Uh, ok". Another annoying this is that the dentist did not properly take my imprints the first time so I had to go a second time just so she could do her job properly. Slightly a pain in the ass given their limited hours. Also, I will be out of the country for about a month. I told them this fact, gave them my travel dates, and was EXTREMELY CLEAR in that I wanted to get my first Invisalign tray BEFORE I left for my trip so I could start the treatment and not delay it by a month. They KNEW I was leaving on March 16th for my trip; yet they called me on March 14th (2 days before) to make the appointment to give me my first tray. I told them that I have work obligations and that it was very hard for me to find some time off work *on such a short notice*. On top of that, for whatever reason, I had to see a specific dentist and she only works afternoons and that she had only 2-3 slots where she could see me (all at inconvenient hours like 2:30, 3:30, etc.) Groundbreaking. So they basically have extremely limited hours and their staff can't even be bothered to work all of those hours, and since you apparently have to stick with the same dentist all the time, taking an appointment there will be very complicated.
And the signs in the waiting room area are filled with typos. This looks really unprofessional. You'd think with the fees they charge for their services that they'd be able to buy a dictionary, but I guess not.
So all in all, given their extremely limited hours, inflexibility in scheduling and their last-minute appointment notices, I think you need to be unemployed to go there. But the prices are so insane that unemployed people definitely cannot afford it.