I am ONLY reviewing the beer.
I met some family members here shortly after I had brunch, they had not ate. I did not want to sit at the table with nothing in front of me so I ordered the beer sampler. The beer sampler consists of Hop's four regular brews in 4 oz glasses plus whatever seasonal beers they have, in this case three seasonal . All of this for the low low low low low low low price of 3.75. What amazed me about the beers is not that they were particularly bad in terms of taste but that they lacked taste. The two light beers were so light that they made Miller Lite seem like a stout. The IPA had no distinction of an IPA in my definition, I tasted nor felt any extra hops. One of the seasonal was a "Mexican Cerveza" which I thought was corny and it tasted like corn corona. The only one out of the seven that I would say stood out was their Red Ale, but even still I can not tell you why. I think it had the best mouth feel.
In a way I should not be surprised, at a price so low I should not have been expecting much. Then with "award winning beer" plastered everywhere that should have been my second flag. The food looked decent, the service was good but for a place that supposedly brews their own beer...no me guesta.