So this is a long story. I guess there's a lesson at the end. I accompanied Angela here to pay for new flooring at her place. She came in here more than 6 months ago and paid for Home Depot to send guys to measure her place. Home Depot hires a 3rd party to do this. Well, after a lot of exploration on different types of floors etc. the flooring she was looking at was on sale this particular weekend. And I was in town so my military discount was going to help her out also. So we trekked over there.
Well, all her stuff was still in the system but those measurements are only good for 6 months. I think it's $35 to pay these guys to come measure your house. So basically Angela or anyone else would have to pay the $35 fee again even though she had nothing done to her house so the measurements are the same. We asked why they couldn't just input the same measurements in to a new account and then ring her up. Yeah, they pretty much just told us that couldn't be done and they weren't really trying to help us too much. Suffice to say we just got up and left. Well, we exchanged some more words-nothing nasty, more like you just lost out on a huge sale because of something really silly.
About 30 minutes later Angela gets a call from Home Depot telling her that they can go back and fix things like how we wanted. So we headed back and sure enough they worked some magic and it all worked out. Now I understand the logistics of this. It's a 3rd party, the responsibility lays with them, in theory we could have gotten a room added or taken away within 6 months etc.. Really, I do get it. But seriously? Do people really try to cheat Home Depot this way? Seems like a lot of work to me and I can't see this being a commonplace cheat. Hm, I want to set carpet in my floor but I want to add a new room. So I'm going to pay Home Depot to measure my house before the addition then build the addition and then get them to come and lay the carpet down on the new square feet. I mean, as a contractor you can just refuse to lay down anything because I'd imagine you're going to re-measure the place again before laying anything down. Isn't that just common sense?