Compared to previous years, his time around things were more organized and less crowded!
Getting in and out of the venue was faster than the years prior. However, there was a night where it took forever to get out of the parking. I think it took my friends 2 hrs to get home. Some even rode the shuttle and it took that long as well. Sucks.
First night, I had some weirdo dude at the entrance follow me around. He got lucky I didn't punch him in the face because there were cops ahead of us watching. The cops didn't even do anything but watch the guy harrass me. WTH!
Second night, after entering the front entrance I had a guy come up to me and kiss me on the cheek. I was in shocked because that had never happened before. He got lucky too! I probably would've given him the choke hold LOL
Anyway, overall I had a blast. The venue was pretty and colorful as always; it was expanded this time around for sure. Most of the DJs playing in their designated areas were dope. A-trak was alright, I thought he'd be better. i was amazed with Calvin Harris' set. I have seen him live before in AZ and he sucked. This time he was really good! Gareth Emery was good until his music just stopped playing lol The long hours at EDC went by so quickly. It was fun and exhausting. Not sure how many more times we'll go. It's so expensive.