Dr. Nguyen is amazing. She deserves 5 stars but this review is for the surgery scheduler LISA she deserves negative stars.
I was anticipating a call to confirm surgery time for a procedure on a Monday. Already nervous for this procedure I never got a call to confirm the time. On Monday (day of surgery) I get a missed call voicemail at 7:40am from the surgery center stating my apmt arrival time was at 730! I'm like wtf how can this be!
I took time off work which is not easy my day is completely wasted and worst of all the scheduler LIED two times and said she called my husband and left a VM! LIE! Then she told me she called my phone and left a voicemail LIE#2!!!!!!!!!!
Then she continues to ask me if i called to ask the after hours line? So let me get this straight you messed up, you wasted both mine and the dr.'s time, you Deny and lie & now you want to question me???? I'm furious!!!!!!! How about a A SORRY I messed up I'm incompetent !