I finally decided to replace my peninsula with matching granite in my kitchen. A guy came out and made some measurements 2 weeks ago and was throwing around fancy terminology for granite. I'm not going to know the scientific name of Venetian Gold. I ended up figuring out what it was and updating the guy later.
He tells me he found a leftover piece that should match, fit and would be cheaper since its a remnant. I go to AZ Tile and it looks a bit pale. Sure enough when I went with a piece of my granite (luckily we were going to do the backsplash and so was able to take off the 4inch border) it wasn't even close. Disaster averted.
The reason for my rating is this: it took 2 trips to pick out a slab at the AZ tile, which nobody met me for either. They were very helpful and patient at AZ tile and granite which helped the process. The initial trip by the salesman was a complete waste. He measured, and thought he knew what kind of granite it was which was later corrected by myself. Another person came 2 weeks later and did a final measurement for the countertop anyway. So ultimately this first appointment was to just meet the guy that would leave my emails and messages unanswered for about a week before responding. In the process I received 3 different bids which I wasn't very confident was correctly done in the end but just wanted it done. And finally, since I knew exactly what I wanted and it was only a matter of finding a slab that matched my existing counter which I did myself in about ten days, why did it take almost a full month from the first appointment to the last??
I thought the process was very drawn out which I would have been more patient for if someone was more responsive to my emails and told me exactly what to expect and when.